Stephen Proctor

Presbyterian Senior Living 

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Stephen Proctor started his career in long-term care with Presbyterian Senior Living as a registered nurse in 1971, later serving as a director of nursing and campus administrator within the PSL system.  Prior to becoming Chief Operating Officer in 1979, he opened Ware Presbyterian Village in Chester County.   In 1995, he became PSL’s President and CEO, retiring in 2019.

Under his leadership, PSL grew to 3,000 staff members serving more than 6,000 persons daily in 32 locations with a comprehensive mix of housing and services options for seniors of all income levels, including 12 Life Plan Communities.

Steve has been active on the state and national level, serving as Chair of LeadingAge, PA, from 1980-1982, and as Chair of LeadingAge (a national association with over 6,000 not-for-profit member organizations), from 1998-1999.  He also served as chair of the International Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, from 2003-2005.

In his role as CEO of Presbyterian Senior Living, he founded Prelude Services, a full-service information technology company as a joint venture with Diakon Lutheran Services.  Prelude serves a wide variety of healthcare and senior housing clients with over 700 locations in 40 states.  He was also the founding board chair of CCRx, a for-profit institutional pharmacy that reached 50 million dollars in annual revenue before being sold to Cressy and Company in 2005.

His commitment to developing leaders has been evident throughout his career. In addition to organizing and personally teaching PSL’s leadership development program for leaders at all levels of the organization, he has participated in leadership development at both the state and national level.  For fourteen years his monthly newsletter, Reflections on Leadership has provided thoughtful observations on the role and development of leaders in the field of long-term care and senior housing.  His book Reflections on Leadership (published in 2017) has been used for leadership education within PSL and for selected outside groups.  Following his retirement, he has provided consulting services focused on leadership development, team building, and growth strategies through affiliations and mergers.

As a Presbyterian Elder, he has served on the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church, USA, a pension and health plan with over 8 billion dollars in assets.  He also served as founding Chair of the Board of Forgotten Voices International and continued to lead the organization for 15 years. Forgotten Voices International is a non-denominational Christ-centered organization dedicated to equipping local churches in southern Africa to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of orphaned and vulnerable children.

Steve has a B.S. from Elizabethtown College in Business Administration, and a M.S. in Studies in Aging from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas.